Yulia Maltseva’s journey in financial services originally began in Russia, where, as a young adult, she developed a passion for accounting. After moving to the United States in 2019, she found ways to pursue her interest by volunteering in the accounting department at Goodwill Seattle. After discovering the BankWork$ program at YWCA Seattle | King | Snohomish through a coworker, she made the decision to apply to enhance her skills and further her career. 

Although Yulia initially encountered difficulties in communicating with others in class, she made significant progress over time. Refusing to give up, she persevered until she successfully graduated. “My instructors, Tracy and Melanie, were very patient with my language challenges and provided me with valuable knowledge about the customer side of financial services, such as teller transactions and client interactions,” said Yulia. 

After graduating from BankWork$ in November 2022, Yulia’s dedication paid off as she secured a Financial Wellness Consultant position at KeyBank after a successful interview. “My job at KeyBank is incredibly fulfilling, and I really love working with clients from diverse backgrounds, including many from Russia. Utilizing the banking system, setting up appointments, and engaging in discussions are new skills to me that I’ve learned to really enjoy, and being able to assist clients while pursuing my own financial growth makes my job truly rewarding,” said Yulia. 

Yulia recommends the BankWork$ program to individuals aspiring to secure rewarding jobs in the banking industry. “My advice would be to embrace the challenges, persevere through setbacks, and make the most of the resources and support offered by BankWork$. It doesn’t matter if you want to continue your career in the banking industry or to move into other business areas—the skills you learn will help you anywhere.” 

Learn more about BankWork$ at YWCA Seattle | King | Snohomish. 

From Russia to KeyBank: Yulia Maltseva’s Road to Success in Financial Services

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