For Jessica Ramirez-Jefferson, BankWork$® Helped Her Be “Part Of a Program That Wants Better For People In The World.” 

Jessica Ramirez-Jefferson never saw herself having the right experience to work in a bank. After many years in the restaurant industry, she thought a banking career was out of reach, even as she wanted the stability that a career in financial services would offer. 

In October 2021, while researching courses to enhance her workforce skills, she found the BankWork$ career-readiness program with our partners in the Bay Area, Fremont Adult and Continuing Education.  She jumped at the chance, and started the free class that fall.  

For Jessica, the most impactful takeaway from BankWork$ was “a greater sense of self-encouragement,” she says. “I learned more about my strengths and weaknesses, and because everyone encouraged each other we quickly became a family. I was so surprised to see myself succeed.” A bi-lingual speaker fluent in English and Spanish, Jessica was particularly impressed by the diversity of her class, and noticed that “within our class, we had people who spoke eight different languages.” 

Her instructor, Michelle Branner, praises Jessica as “a model student. She came to class every day motivated to learn more. Her personal strength not only empowered her, but it also inspired others to achieve greatness. It was a pleasure to have her in class.” 

Like all graduates of a CareerWork$ program, Jessica attended a hiring fair with employer partners in her area immediately after her graduation ceremony. She was hired by Comerica Bank, and in her new role as a Customer Service Representative, she has felt fully equipped to handle her responsibilities. 

Jessica was moved by how much the program and her instructor embraced and accepted her. “It touches my heart that they look for people like me, and gave me that push-up to help me.  That I found the class makes me so grateful. When people care enough to make the world a better place, it’s a beautiful thing.” 

Jessica is thriving in her new career. “I open the bank myself; I do dual control [transactions requiring a greater level of approval], I’m meeting clients, I do it all.” Working with customers with disabilities has been a special highlight for her: “I’ve made great connections with a customer who has a service dog named Molly, who always comes right to my window to greet me!” Jessica looks forward to advancing in her career, and hopes to eventually move into the mortgage and loans department. 

To anyone thinking about signing up for BankWork$, Jessica says “try it out and see if you like it! You won’t know until you try. If you’re ready to find out who you really are, this class will help you get there. It definitely inspired me to go further in my career. I’m so honored to be part of a program that wants better for people in the world.” 

To learn more about BankWork$ and our partnership with FACE, click here. 

As She Grows Her Career at Bank of America, Graduate Jennifer Berg Sees BankWork$ As “Giving People Hope and Opportunity”

Jennifer Berg

When Jennifer Berg first learned about the BankWork$ program with our partners in the Los Angeles area, JVS SoCal, it was at the right time in her personal and career journey. After several years working in retail, Jennifer, a Bay Area native, was looking for a new chapter.

At that time, Jennifer had never thought about a career in financial services. But after reading about our program, she was curious, and after attending an open house information session with JVS SoCal in early 2019, she enrolled in an upcoming class.

During our free, eight-week comprehensive career readiness program, Jennifer commuted 60 miles each day to attend class. But for her, it was worth it.

Jennifer praises Julian Hampton, Associate Director of JVS SoCal and BankWork$ Instructor, for the “phenomenal job” he did conveying the industry-specific portions of the eight-week curriculum. “I really liked the reading material and assignments. The curriculum gave me a real sense of what it would be like to have a career in banking.”

But for her, the “biggest gift” from Julian and the program were the communications and workplace skills the program emphasizes, which can help people grow in any career.

This program “gave us the gift of knowing how to do an interview and to do it properly. Julian coached us, and he helped us be confident. He challenged us to think outside the box and to be better than we were when we started. That is just key for life, no matter what industry you wind up in.”

“Eight weeks later,” Jennifer continues, “there we are, sitting in front of people who wanted to hire us.”

Like graduates of any CareerWork$ career readiness programs, Jennifer attended a hiring fair with our employer partners in her area with roles to fill immediately following her graduation ceremony. She received several offers, and within a month after graduating from BankWork$ she accepted a role with Bank of America as a Client Services Representative. In 2021, Jennifer was promoted to Relationship Banker.

As she continues to thrive and advance in her career in banking, Jennifer says she values the opportunity to help people improve their financial lives.

“BankWork$ is unique in that it gives people hope to turn their lives around and gives them an opportunity. It enriches people’s lives. I never would have considered this career path. But BankWork$ gave me a chance, and then the bank gave me a chance.”

Want to learn more about the BankWork$ with our partners JVS SoCal? Click here.
