Climbing mountains to support CareerWork$

“Lots of folks are going through the challenging situation of finding a career and not just a job.  We all want to grow, we all want to ascend to new heights and take care of our families.”

In June 2023, Pedro Marti, a dedicated philanthropist and board member of CareerWork$®, undertook an extraordinary mission known as the 29029 Challenge in Sun Valley, California. This challenge involved completing 15 hikes, each 1.6 miles long, covering a vertical climb of 29,655 feet in just 36 hours—equivalent to a climb higher than Mount Everest. Pedro’s commitment went beyond a personal feat; he was on a mission to inspire others to give and donate to causes he deeply cared about. Pedro pledged to donate $1.00 for every foot climbed and encouraged his personal network to join the cause in supporting four non-profit organizations close to his heart, including CareerWork$.

“Challenging myself to climb almost 30,000 vertical feet in what turned out to be the most difficult physical journey of my life was the least I could do to honor all my friends at CareerWork$.  CareerWork$ and our partners are moving the needle in economic opportunity and helping those that are ready, willing and able to help themselves.  I am proud of them, proud of myself and appreciative of all those that contributed based on my feet climbed count.  Forever grateful for the 29029 journey and its inspiration to go for more one step at a time.”

After 33.5 hours, 30,000 feet climbed, and more than 13,000 calories burned, Pedro successfully completed the challenge. Thanks to the generosity of supporters, Pedro’s efforts resulted in raising over $50,000 to date for CareerWork$ which is making a substantial impact on our work.

Congratulations, Pedro, on your remarkable accomplishment and thank you for your support of CareerWork$ and other non-profit organizations!

From BankWork$ Graduate to Branch Manager: Joselyn Cuevas’ Journey in Financial Services

Joselyn Cuevas’s financial services journey began with her graduation from BankWork$® at JVS SoCal in 2017. Since then, she has worked her way up to become a Branch Manager at Bank of the West, now BMO Bank. This summer, Joselyn was featured in a BankWork$ promotion on bus benches around Los Angeles. Check out this video to hear in her own words what BankWork$ has meant to her. 

“BankWork$ has given a person like me the opportunity to succeed. I didn’t just change my life; I changed my team’s lives. My hope is that there are many stories like mine in the future,” said Joselyn. 

From all of us at CareerWork$, congratulations on your success, Joselyn! 

Learn more about BankWork$ and JVS SoCal here: